D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: The Fight of Faith 1939-1981 by Iain Murray

This biography about “The Doctor” gives a vivid account of his early years, his call into the ministry from the medical profession, his first pastorate, and his first year at the famous Westminster Chapel in London. His unwavering commitment to the truth will give you a host of practical insights to help you in your daily walk with Jesus Christ. —Doug Main

Jonathan Edwards: A New Biography by Iain Murray  

This book gives us Murray's view of both the first and second great awakenings. He was a mighty theologian and a great evangelist at the same time. No thinking person who loves theology and experience, revival and evangelism should pass over this masterful work. ~CBD Books

Marriage to a Difficult Man by Elisabeth D. Dodds  

"When I read Elisabeth Dodds' Marriage to a Difficult Man, I already stood in awe of Edwards. But here I saw more of the man and his domestic side. I desire that all the theology I embrace makes me a better husband and a better father. Elisabeth Dodds helped me see this more clearly in her portrayal of the Edwards family..." —Dr. John Piper

The Hidden Smile of God by John Piper  

Commencing with the suffering of man and culminating with the wonder of God, John Piper reveals the mysterious ways in which God turns tragedy to triumph. So join Piper in his latest adventure as he examins the lives of William Cowper, John Bunyan, and David Brainerd. ~GBI Books

John Calvin: Revolutionary, Theologian, Pastor by Williston Walker

"Greater than any other Reformation era figure, John Calvin stimulated the debate, thoughts and ideas that have come to dominate Western culture and society.  Dedicated to the reform of the church, and insistent on a literalistic reading of scripture, his influence radically changed the face of Protestantism and Society.  Society's abhorrence of corruption in government, and the correspondent lack of it in Western Democracies, is largely down to his work.  He was the first major political thinker to model social organization on Biblical principles, one of his most important innovations being the incorporation of the church into city government.  As a result, Geneva became the most important Protestant centre of Europe in the 16th Century...
Williston Walker produced this benchmark biography in 1906: it is till the best.  Gripping, enlightening and authoritative - you will learn of a man whose theological stance and political philosophy has done much to shape modern Western culture and continues to influence millions of people in the 21st century." 

The Legacy of Sovereign Joy by John Piper

In his book, 'The Legacy of Sovereign Joy,' Piper has published his gleanings from three of these yearlong studies: Augustine, Luther, and Calvin.  This book goes beyond the facts of these men's biographies, and harrows the grace that worked in their strengths, weaknesses, and sins. ~GBI Books

Martin Luther:  The Man Who Started the Reformation by Thomas Lindsay

"Martin Luther's father was a miner with ambitions - he wanted to better himself and provide his children with a good education.  Martin upset his father's plans by becoming a monk rather than a lawyer, but by the age of 29 he was a Professor of Theology.  In addition to his college duties he preached almost every day and visited people on pastoral duties - he kept two secretaries very busy.  Luther's father, meanwhile, became a town councillor, the part owner of six mines and two foundries and owned a large house in the main street.  What happened to make this son of the upwardly mobile establishment into a revolutionary who nailed 95 Theses onto the church door at Wittenberg, affecting not only the whole of the Christian Church but also breaking the power of a European superstate?  This is the story of a passionate, flawed and courageous man who loved his family and the people around him; a man who went further in challenging the status quo than any other in history, the man who started the Reformation."

William Tyndale by David Daniell  

Daniell's illuminating, in-depth biography reveals the literary genius of the man whom biblical scholars view as the Bible's Shakespeare. You'll gain a greater understanding of Tyndale and appreciation for the master Bible translator's contribution to Christian literature and the spreading of God's Word. ~CBD Books

The Expository Genius of John Calvin by Steven J. Lawson

In The Espository Genius of John Calvin, Dr. Steven J. Lawson delves into the practices, commitments, and techniques that made John Calvin, the great
Reformer of the sixteenth century, such an effective preacher during his long pastorate at Saint Pierre Cathedral in Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Lawson identifies thirty-two distinctives of Calvin's preaching, providing comments from Calvin's writings, quotations from Reformation scholars, and examples from Calvin's own sermons to reinforce his points. In the end, Dr. Lawson finds in Calvin a strong model for expository preaching and calls on modern pastors to follow the Reformer's example.  
Steve Lawson is the senior pastor of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, Alabama.  Dr. Lawson serves on the board of directors of The Master's College and on the ministerial board for Reformed Theological Seminary.  He teaches with Dr. John MacArthur at the Expositor's Institute.

The Daring Mission of William Tyndale by Steven J. Lawson

Early in the sixteenth century, legislative decree in England controlled people's access to Scripture and prohibited an English Bible.  But theologian and linguist, William Tyndale, was determined to provide his fellow countrymen with Scripture they could read.

In The Daring Mission of William Tyndale, the latest addition to the Long Line of Godly Men series, Dr. Steven J. Lawson traces this daring mission, which was ultimately used by God to ignite the English Reformation yet would cost Tyndale his life. From one man's labor, we're reminded of God's faithfulness to preserve His Word and equip His people.

The Evangelistic Zeal of George Whitefield by Steven J. Lawson

England in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries was in the midst of spiritual decline, marked by lifeless sermons, strife, persecution, and malaise. Into this dark time, George Whitefield burst forth as one of the greatest preachers the church had seen since the time of the Apostles.

Called the "Grand Itinerant" for his unprecedented preaching ministry, Whitefield crossed the Atlantic Ocean numerous times and lit fires of revival on two continents. Yet, as Dr. Steven J. Lawson illustrates in this latest entry in the Long Line of Godly Men Profiles series, we must note that Whitefield was a man whose extraordinary evangelistic fervor was marked by remarkable piety and deep theology, and whose unswerving devotion to his God led him to risk all that he had to preach the name of Christ.

The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther by Steven J. Lawson

During the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century, the Reformers' most effective tool was the pulpit, and all of the Reformers were gifted preachers. This was especially true of Martin Luther, the man regarded as the father of the Reformation.

Luther used every legitimate means to make known the truths of Scripture. His strategies included writing books, tracts, pamphlets, and letters, as well as classroom lectures, public debates, and heated disputations in churches and universities. But his chief means of producing reform was the pulpit, where he proclaimed the truths of God's Word with great courage. In a day when the church greatly needed to hear the truth, Luther's pulpit became one of the most clarion sounding boards for God's Word this world has ever witnessed. 

In The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther, Dr. Steven J. Lawson shows the convictions and practices that fed Luther's pulpit boldness, providing an example for all preachers in a day when truth once more is in decline.

The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards by Steven J. Lawson

Edwards, often remembered for his sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," is revealed here as a man with a heart for God's glory above all things. To help himself pursue that goal, he composed a set of resolutions to guide his conduct in all areas, from his battle against sin to his use of time. In Edward's singleminded pursuit of God, Dr. Lawson sees an unparalleled example for modern Christians.

The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon by Steven J. Lawson

Charles Spurgeon, the great Baptist preacher of nineteenth century London, is remembered today as "the prince of preachers." However, the strength of Spurgeon's ministry went far beyond simple rhetorical skill. With a foundational commitment to the Bible, Spurgeon fearlessly taught the doctrines of grace and tirelessly held forth the free offer of salvation in Jesus Christ. In short, he was a firm believer in the truth of the gospel and the power of the gospel to save.

In The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon, new from Reformation Trust Publishing, author Steven J. Lawson explores Spurgeon's fascinating life and ministry, showing how he clung to the gospel in every venue of life and ministry, teaching it constantly even amid controversy and personal suffering.